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Loftus, S. (2022). Re-examining ethical challenges of using ethnography to understand decision-making in family caregiving networks of children with feeding tubes. Children's Geographies, Published Online Ahead of Print, pp.1-13. Abstract: Researching the experiences of children reliant on family caregivers is methodologically

Van Goidsenhoven, L., & De Schauwer, E. (2022). Relational ethics, informed consent, and informed assent in participatory research with children with complex communication needs. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 64(11), pp.1323-1329. Abstract: There is a need for qualitative participatory research

Powell, M. A., Krishnamurthy, S., Chan, L., Tisdall, E. K. M., Rizzini, I., & Nuggehalli, R. K. (2023). Reimagining institutional ethics procedures in research partnerships with young people across Majority/Minority World contexts. Children's Geographies, Published Online Ahead of Print, pp.1-15. Abstract:

Fay, F. (2018). The impact of the school space on research methodology, child participation and safety: Views from children in Zanzibar. Children's Geographies, 16(4), pp.405-417. Abstract: This paper discusses the impact of school environments as research spaces on participatory research methods,

Korkiamäki, R., & Kaukko, M. (2023). Faceless, voiceless child – Ethics of visual anonymity in research with children and young people. Childhood, 30(1), pp. 55-70. Abstract: The anonymisation of research participants is a standardised ethical practice, but researchers sometimes struggle to