Contrasting views of risk perception and influence of financial compensation between adolescent research participants and their parents.

Wiener, L., Viola, A., Wilfond, B., Wendler, D., & Grady, C. (2014). Contrasting views of risk perception and influence of financial compensation between adolescent research participants and their parents. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 10(1), pp. 49-58. In this paper the researchers interviewed a sample of 177 adolescents and a parent. Discordance […]

‘But, what is a researcher?’ Developing a novel ethics resource to support informed consent with young children.

Truscott, J. & Benton, L. (2023). ‘But, what is a researcher?’ Developing a novel ethics resource to support informed consent with young children. Children’s Geographies, Published Online Ahead of Print, pp. 1-8. Abstract: Young children are generally unfamiliar with the notion of research, which can generate ethical discomfort when seeking their consent to participate in […]

Ethics committees and shaping of children’s participation in qualitative educational research in Chile.

Armijo, M., & Willatt, C. (2024). Ethics committees and shaping of children’s participation in qualitative educational research in Chile. Children & Society, 38(1), pp. 1-15. Abstract: In this paper, we address the relationship between ethics committees and children involved in qualitative educational research in Chile. In light of a central and recurring challenge (protection versus […]

Relational ethics, informed consent, and informed assent in participatory research with children with complex communication needs.

Van Goidsenhoven, L., & De Schauwer, E. (2022). Relational ethics, informed consent, and informed assent in participatory research with children with complex communication needs. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 64(11), pp.1323-1329. Abstract: There is a need for qualitative participatory research involving children with intellectual disability and complex communication needs (CCNs), but procedural ethics cannot always […]

(De)colonising outcomes of community participation – a South African ethnography of ‘ethics in practice’

Brear, M. R., & Tsotetsi, C. T. (2022). (De)colonising outcomes of community participation – a South African ethnography of ‘ethics in practice.’ Qualitative Research, 22(6), pp.813-830. Abstract: Theoretically, community participation decolonises research ethics in settings where a ‘coloniality of power’ persists. We used ethnographic methods to document our experiences of ‘ethics in practice’, and interrogate […]

‘It’s never okay to say no to teachers’: Children’s research consent and dissent in conforming schools contexts.

Kirby, P., (2020). ‘It’s never okay to say no to teachers’: Children’s research consent and dissent in conforming schools contexts. British Educational Research Journal, 46(4), pp. 811-828. Abstract: This article examines the limits to children giving research consent in everyday school contexts that emphasises their conformity to comply with adult expectations, and highlights children’s competence […]

Supporting children and young people when making decisions about joining clinical trials: Qualitative study to inform multimedia website development.

Martin-Kerry, J.M., Knapp, P., Atkin, K., Bower, P., Watt, I., Stones, C., Higgins, S., Sheridan, R., Preston, J., Taylor, D.H., Baines, P., & Young, B. (2019). Supporting children and young people when making decisions about joining clinical trials: Qualitative study to inform multimedia website development. British Medical Journal Open, 9:e023984. This paper reports upon aspects […]

Using a picture book to gain assent in research with young children.

Pyle, A. & Danniels, E. (2016). Using a picture book to gain assent in research with young children. Early Child Development and Care, 186(9), pp.1438-1452. Abstract: There has been a shift in perspective from viewing children as adults-in-the-making to individual agents, possessing the right and the competence to meaningfully participate in research. Many researchers are […]

The narrative approach to informed consent: Empowering young children’s rights and meaningful participation.

Mayne, F., & Howitt, C. (2022). The narrative approach to informed consent: Empowering young children’s rights and meaningful participation. Routledge: Oxford, UK. Book Description: The Narrative Approach to Informed Consent: Empowering Young Children’s Rights and Meaningful Participation is a practical guide for researchers who want to engage young children in rights-based, participatory research. This book […]

Reflecting on three creative approaches to informed consent with children under six.

Arnott, L., Martinez-Lejarreta, L., Wall, K., Blaisdell, C., & Palaiologou, I. (2020). Reflecting on three creative approaches to informed consent with children under six. British Educational Research Journal, 46(4), pp.786-810. Abstract: In an era when children’s rights are paramount, there are still few practical examples to guide us when seeking informed consent from children. This […]