Positioning families as co-researchers at the museum: How do we see and hear the voices of parents and children? By Nicola Wallis
You can download this case study as a pdf here. Positioning young children as co-researchers seeks to elevate their voice, interests and power in research processes. However, there are added tensions when co- researching with babies and very young children, particularly in public spaces, where young children’s movement, interactions and experiences can be shaped by […]
Embracing the embarrassment: Potential of seemingly unsuccessful research interactions for critical professional development. By Katrin Velten & Julia Höke
You can download this case study as a pdf here. When children participate in research, particularly research conducted with or by children, a key goal is to authentically represent their viewpoints. Striving for authentic representation involves being critical and reflexive of power dynamics and adultism across content, methodology and ethics (Alderson & Morrow, 2020; Graham […]
Ethics, voices and visual methods.
Wood, E. (2015). Ethics, voices and visual methods. In Stirling, E. & Yamada-Rice, D. (Eds.). Visual Methods with Children and Young People. Studies in Childhood and Youth. (pp.129_139). Palgrave Macmillan: London. ISBN: 978-1-137-40228-8; e-book ISBN: 978-1-137-40229-5. Abstract: The inextricable relationship between research ethics and visual methods is clearly defined throughout this book, and is demonstrated […]
Child focused research: Disconnected and disembodied voices.
Cooper, V. (2023). Child focused research: Disconnected and disembodied voices. Childhood, 30(1), pp.71-85. Abstract: Voice represents a commitment to child focused studies which provide insights into childhood. This builds upon the assumption that voice equates to authenticity and that children’s words can speak for themselves. These claims remain disputed and more could be done to […]
’What about my voice’: Emancipating the voices of children with disabilities through participant-centred methods.
Stafford, L. (2017). ‘What about my voice’: Emancipating the voices of children with disabilities through participant-centred methods. Children’s Geographies, 15(5), pp. 600-613. Abstract: Children with diverse physical, communication and/or cognitive impairments are often overlooked as active research participants. This paper challenges and lays bare norms and constructs, such as ableism and adultism, which lead to […]
The mis/uses of ‘voice’ in (post)qualitative research with children and young people: Histories, politics and ethics.
Mayes, E. (2019). The mis/uses of ‘voice’ in (post)qualitative research with children and young people: Histories, politics and ethics. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 32(10), pp. 1191-1209. Abstract: This article extends recent attempts to think (post)qualitative research together with decolonial, postcolonial and other critiques – as a frictional, fraught encounter. I review how […]
Ethical considerations in social research with children and young people.
Malatest International. (2021). Ethical considerations in social research with children and young people. Wellington New Zealand. Abstract: Including young people’s voices in social research informs our understanding of how to deliver services and develop policies to improve young people’s wellbeing. However, despite the importance of hearing from young people, the New Zealand Human Rights Commission […]
Conducting photo methodologies with children: Framing ethical concerns relating to representation, voice and data analysis when exploring educational inclusion with children.
Woolhouse, C. (2019). Conducting photo methodologies with children: Framing ethical concerns relating to representation, voice and data analysis when exploring educational inclusion with children. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 42(1), pp. 3-18. This article offers a critical discussion of a photo-elicitation project across a range of schools. It covers the concerns and […]
The complexities and contradictions in participatory research with vulnerable children and young people: A qualitative systematic review.
Bradbury-Jones, C., Isham, L., & Taylor, J. (2018). The complexities and contradictions in participatory research with vulnerable children and young people: A qualitative systematic review. Social Science & Medicine, 215, pp. 80-91. Abstract: Participatory research carried out by or with children, has become a well-established and valuable part of the research landscape investigating children’s lives, […]
International Children’s Advisory Network: A multifaceted approach to patient engagement in pediatric clinical research.
Gwara, M., Smith, S., Woods, C., Sheeren, E., & Woods, H. (2017). International Children’s Advisory Network: A multifaceted approach to patient engagement in pediatric clinical research. Clinical Therapeutics, 39(10), pp. 1933-1938.