The role of positionality in research ‘gone wrong’: Critical reflections on research involving young people.
Wilkinson, S., & Wilkinson, C. (2024). The role of positionality in research ‘gone wrong’: Critical reflections on research involving young people. Children’s Geographies, 22(2), pp. 234-240. Abstract: In this Viewpoint, we consider the importance of positionality in research ‘gone wrong’. We focus on the intersections of age, gender and appearance. Reflecting on two doctoral research […]
Reimagining institutional ethics procedures in research partnerships with young people across Majority/Minority World contexts.
Powell, M. A., Krishnamurthy, S., Chan, L., Tisdall, E. K. M., Rizzini, I., & Nuggehalli, R. K. (2023). Reimagining institutional ethics procedures in research partnerships with young people across Majority/Minority World contexts. Children’s Geographies, Published Online Ahead of Print, pp.1-15. Abstract: While institutional ethics are crucial, their application on the ground often creates tensions with […]
Confessions of an inadequate researcher: Space and supervision in research with learning disabled children.
von Benzon, N. (2017). Confessions of an inadequate researcher: Space and supervision in research with learning disabled children. Social & Cultural Geography, 18(7), pp. 1039-1058. Abstract: Location is often at the fore of decision-making regarding fieldwork and choice of methods. However, little research has directly discussed the importance of the choice of site in the […]
Ethical complexities in participatory childhood research: Rethinking the ‘least adult role’.
Atkinson, C. (2019). Ethical complexities in participatory childhood research: Rethinking the ‘least adult role’. Childhood, 26(2), pp. 186-201. Abstract: This article draws on data from a comparative ethnography of two UK primary schools to explore the complexities inherent in Mandell’s ‘least adult role’. In the interest of gaining insight into children?s informal productions of sexuality […]
Because ‘grown-ups don’t always get it right’: Allyship with children in research – from research question to authorship.
Maynard, E., Barton, S., Rivett, K., Maynard, O., & Davies, W. (2021). Because ‘grown-ups don’t always get it right’: Allyship with children in research – from research question to authorship. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 18(4), pp.518-536. This paper reflects on a project that was fully co-constructed with children, with adults who guided them through planning, […]
Advocating for a more relational and dynamic model of participation for child researchers.
Ergler, C. R. (2017). Advocating for a more relational and dynamic model of participation for child researchers. Social Inclusion, 5(3), pp. 240-250.
Ethical research involving children: Facilitating reflexive engagement.
Powell, M. A., Graham, A., & Truscott, J. (2016). Ethical research involving children: Facilitating reflexive engagement. Qualitative Research Journal, 16(2), pp.197-208. Abstract: Purpose: Qualitative researchers working with children are increasingly sharing accounts of their research journeys, including the inherent ethical tensions they navigate. Within such accounts, reflexivity is consistently signalled as an important feature of […]
Doing research with children: Making choices on ethics and methodology that encourage children’s participation.
Kyritsi, K. (2019). Doing research with children: Making choices on ethics and methodology that encourage children’s participation. Journal of Childhood Studies, 44(2). This is an open access article. The full pdf is freely available to download via the Publisher’s Link below.
Letting Children Know We Are Listening to Them: Attending to Children’s Everyday Ways of Knowing, Being, Doing, and Relating as Key in the Relational Ethical Responsibilities of Coming Alongside Young Child Co-Researchers in Narrative Inquiry.
Huber, J. (2020). Letting children know we are listening to them: Attending to children’s everyday ways of knowing, being, doing, and relating as key in the relational ethical responsibilities of coming alongside young child co-researchers in narrative inquiry. In T. D. Smith & K. S. Hendricks (Eds.), Narratives and Reflections in Music Education: Listening to […]
Specifying the ethics of teleogenetic collaboration for research with children and other vital forces: A critical inquiry into dialectical praxis psychology via posthumanist theorizing.
Chimirri, N. A. (2019). Specifying the ethics of teleogenetic collaboration for research with children and other vital forces: A critical inquiry into dialectical praxis psychology via posthumanist theorizing. Human Arenas, 2(4), pp. 451-482. Abstract: The article draws on posthumanist theorizing to critically inquire into and thereby specify the relational ethics ingrained in the dialectical praxis […]