Embracing the embarrassment: Potential of seemingly unsuccessful research interactions for critical professional development. By Katrin Velten & Julia Höke

You can download this case study as a pdf here. When children participate in research, particularly research conducted with or by children, a key goal is to authentically represent their viewpoints. Striving for authentic representation involves being critical and reflexive of power dynamics and adultism across content, methodology and ethics (Alderson & Morrow, 2020; Graham […]

Whose voice is it really? Ethics of photovoice with children in health promotion.

Abma, T., Breed, M., Lips, S., & Schrijver, J. (2022). Whose voice is it really? Ethics of photovoice with children in health promotion. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21, Published Online Ahed of Print. Abstract: Photovoice, a way of conducting research through pictures, is considered a child-friendly method to engage children in participatory research and […]

Faceless, voiceless child – Ethics of visual anonymity in research with children and young people.

Korkiamäki, R., & Kaukko, M. (2023). Faceless, voiceless child – Ethics of visual anonymity in research with children and young people. Childhood, 30(1), pp. 55-70. Abstract: The anonymisation of research participants is a standardised ethical practice, but researchers sometimes struggle to find an ethical balance between the practice of anonymisation and participants’ wishes to reveal […]

The people in the pictures research: Taking care with photo elicitation.

Warrington, S. (2020). The people in the pictures research: Taking care with photo elicitation. In S. Dodd (Ed.), Ethics and Integrity in Visual Research Methods (Vol. 5, pp. 43-63). Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited. Abstract: This chapter introduces the approaches and methods employed in a four-country research project that resulted in the 2017 report The People […]

Picturing consent: Using photographs in a visual consent form. By Jennifer Thompson

You can download this ERIC case study as a pdf in English, français, español, 한국어, Türkçe and Bahasa Indonesia. The Tiwai Island Wildlife Sanctuary in Sierra Leone is a community-based conservation and eco-tourism initiative managed by the environmental NGO, the Environmental Foundation for Africa (EFA). I conducted my Master’s research in the Tiwai communities in […]