The ERIC library contains over 900 peer-reviewed academic and NGO / industry publications on undertaking ethical research involving children. New publications are added regularly. Browse the most recent additions below.
At what price? The current state of subject payment in adolescent research.
Borzekowski, D. L., Rickert, V. I., Ipp, L., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2003). At what price? The current state of subject payment in adolescent research. Journal of Adolescent Health, 33(5), pp. 378-384.
Payments to children and adolescents enrolled in research: A pilot study.
Iltis, A.S., DeVader, S., & Matsuo, H. (2006). Payments to children and adolescents enrolled in research: A pilot study. Pediatrics, 118(4), pp. 1546–1552. In this paper the authors share the results of
Ethical and practical concerns in developing payment policies for research involving children and adolescents.
Iltis, A. S., Matsuo, H., & DeVader, S. R. (2008). Currents in contemporary ethics: Ethical and practical concerns in developing payment policies for research involving children and adolescents. Journal of Law, Medicine
Institutional review boards’ attitudes towards renumeration in paediatric research: Ethical considerations.
Flege, M.M. & Thomsen, S.F. (2017). Institutional review boards’ attitudes towards renumeration in paediatric research: Ethical considerations. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 53(12), pp. 1149-1151. In this article the authors explore
An examination of incentive strategies to increase participation in outcomes research for an adolescent inpatient unity.
Ha, C., Madan, A., Long, T. A., & Sharp, C. (2016). An examination of incentive strategies to increase participation in outcomes research for an adolescent inpatient unity. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 22(3),
Contrasting views of risk perception and influence of financial compensation between adolescent research participants and their parents.
Wiener, L., Viola, A., Wilfond, B., Wendler, D., & Grady, C. (2014). Contrasting views of risk perception and influence of financial compensation between adolescent research participants and their parents. Journal of Empirical
The effect of financial compensation on willingness to supply a child’s blood sample: A randomised control trial.
Acharya, Y., Norton, E.C., & Lumeng, J.C. (2017). The effect of financial compensation on willingness to supply a child’s blood sample: A randomised control trial. Evaluation & the Health Professions, 40(3), pp.
More for Children: Rights-based methodology for research with children about poverty.
Bessell, S. and O’Sullivan, C. (2024). More for Children: Rights-based methodology for research with children about poverty. Canberra: The Children’s Policy Centre, The Australian National University. More for Children is a program
Research with children: Balancing protection and participation.
Bessell, S. (2024). Research with children: Balancing protection and participation. In Smyth, B.M., Martin, M.A., & Downing, M. (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Human Research Ethics and Integrity in Australia. (Chapter 26).
Children’s voices for change: Co-researching with children and young people as family violence experts by experience.
Dimopoulos, G., Horley, K., Anderson, T., & Liam. (2024). Children’s voices for change: Co-researching with children and young people as family violence experts by experience. Childhood, Published Online Ahead of Print. Abstract:
Taking the perspective of the child in the light of micro-ethical issues: Reflections from a home-based ethnographic research.
Chapeau J. & Join-Lambert, H. (2023). Taking the perspective of the child in the light of micro-ethical issues: Reflections from a home-based ethnographic research. Children and Youth Services Review, 155, Art No:
Addressing ethical dilemmas in research with young children and families: Situated ethics in collaborative research.
Kousholt, D., & Juhl, P. (2023). Addressing ethical dilemmas in research with young children and families: Situated ethics in collaborative research. Human Arenas, 6, pp. 560–579. Abstract: In this article, we discuss
Keywords: child ethics library. research resources, learning materials, evidence-based practices