Ethical considerations when conducting research with children and young people with disabilities in health and social care.
McNeilly, P., Macdonald, G., & Kelly, B. (2020). Ethical considerations when conducting research with children and young people with disabilities in health and social care. Nurse Researcher, 28(1), pp. 9-15. All children, including those identified as having disabilities, have the right to participate in matters affecting their lives. This paper contributes to the growing research […]
Social research and the privacy and participation of children: Reflections on researching Australian children’s playlore.
Darian-Smith, K., & Henningham, N. (2014). Social research and the privacy and participation of children: Reflections on researching Australian children’s playlore. Children & Society, 28(4), pp. 327-338.
Children as research subjects: A risky enterprise.
Hood, S., Kelley, P., & Mayall, B. (1996). Children as research subjects: A risky enterprise. Children & Society, 10(2), pp. 117 – 128.
Gaining access to looked after children for research purposes: Lessons learned.
Heptinstall, E. (2000). Research note: Gaining access to looked after children for research purposes: Lessons learned. British Journal of Social Work, 30(6), pp. 867-872.
Ethical issues in social research: Difficulties encountered gaining access to children in hospital for research.
Stalker, K., Carpenter, J., Connors, C., & Phillips, R. (2004). Ethical issues in social research: Difficulties encountered gaining access to children in hospital for research. Child: Care, Health and Development, 30(4), pp. 377-383.
Research with children: Sharing the dilemmas.
Cree, V. E., Kay, H., & Tisdall, K. (2002). Research with children: Sharing the dilemmas. Child and Family Social Work, 7(1). pp. 47-56.
Research note. Gaining access to looked after children for research purposes: Lessons learned.
Heptinstall, E. (2000). Research note. Gaining access to looked after children for research purposes: Lessons learned. British Journal of Social Work, 30(6). pp. 867-872.