The adolescent research participant: Strategies for productive and ethical interviewing.
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The right to be seen, the right to be shown: Ethical issues regarding the geographies of hanging out.
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Voice, authenticity and ethical challenges: The participatory dissemination of youth-generated visual data over social media.
Yang, K.-H. (2015). Voice, authenticity and ethical challenges: The participatory dissemination of youth-generated visual data over social media. Visual Studies, 30(3), pp. 309-318.
Understanding the ethical requirement for parental consent when engaging youth in research.
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Adolescent distress in traumatic stress research: Data from the National Survey of Adolescents-Replication.
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Views of adolescents and parents on pediatric research without the potential for clinical benefit.
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Doing more good than harm? The effects of participation in sex research on young people in The Netherlands.
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Comparisons of adolescent and parent willingness to participate in minimal and above-minimal risk pediatric asthma research protocols.
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Researcher tales and research ethics: The spaces in which we find ourselves.
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Survival of the fastest: Ethical dilemmas in research with ‘boy racers’.
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