The role of positionality in research ‘gone wrong’: Critical reflections on research involving young people.

Wilkinson, S., & Wilkinson, C. (2024). The role of positionality in research ‘gone wrong’: Critical reflections on research involving young people. Children’s Geographies, 22(2), pp. 234-240. Abstract: In this Viewpoint, we consider the importance of positionality in research ‘gone wrong’. We focus on the intersections of age, gender and appearance. Reflecting on two doctoral research […]

Conducting research on nonsuicidal self-injury in schools: Ethical considerations and recommendations.

Hasking, P. A., Lewis, S. P., Robinson, K., Heath, N. L., & Wilson, M. S. (2019). Conducting research on nonsuicidal self-injury in schools: Ethical considerations and recommendations. School Psychology International, 40(3), pp. 217-234. This article addresses six key ethical concerns associated with researching non-suicidal self-injury in schools. It offers recommendations to assist researchers, ethics committees […]

Does the risk outweigh the benefits? Adolescent responses to completing health surveys.

Shaw, T., Runions, K. C., Johnston, R. S., & Cross, D. (2018). Does the risk outweigh the benefits? Adolescent responses to completing health surveys. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 28(2), pp. 412-426. This paper shares adolescents experiences of completing research surveys in the school setting on several potentially distress-evoking topics. Please view the full abstract […]