Research with, by, for and about children: Lessons from disaster contexts.
Gibbs, L., Mutch, C., O’Connor, P., & MacDougall, C. (2013). Research with, by, for and about children: Lessons from disaster contexts. Global Studies of Childhood, 3(2), pp. 129-141.
The wrongs of protection: Balancing protection and participation in research with marginalised young people.
Daley, K. (2013). The wrongs of protection: Balancing protection and participation in research with marginalised young people. Journal of Sociology, 51(2) pp. 121-138.
‘What did you think about that?’ Researching children’s perceptions of participation in a longitudinal genetic epidemiological study.
Goodenough, T., Williamson, E., Kent, J., & Ashcroft, R. (2003). ‘What did you think about that?’ Researching children’s perceptions of participation in a longitudinal genetic epidemiological study. Children & Society, 17(2). pp. 113-125.
The ages of consent: Re-working consensual frameworks in postmodern times.
Loveridge, J., & Cornforth, S. (2014). The ages of consent: Re-working consensual frameworks in postmodern times. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 27(4). pp. 454-471.
Naked by the pool? Blurring the image? Ethical issues in the portrayal of young children in arts-based educational research.
Nutbrown, C. (2011). Naked by the pool? Blurring the image? Ethical issues in the portrayal of young children in arts-based educational research. Qualitative Inquiry, 17(1). pp. 3-14.