At what price? The current state of subject payment in adolescent research.

Borzekowski, D. L., Rickert, V. I., Ipp, L., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2003). At what price? The current state of subject payment in adolescent research. Journal of Adolescent Health, 33(5), pp. 378-384. Abstract: Purpose: To examine how subject payment was associated with study features, such as investigator characteristics and project specifics, among randomly selected studies […]

Payments to children and adolescents enrolled in research: A pilot study.

Iltis, A.S., DeVader, S., & Matsuo, H. (2006). Payments to children and adolescents enrolled in research: A pilot study. Pediatrics, 118(4), pp. 1546–1552. In this paper the authors share the results of a survey of researchers who have led paediatric health and medical research regarding whether the child participants and/or their parents received any form […]

Institutional review boards’ attitudes towards renumeration in paediatric research: Ethical considerations.

Flege, M.M. & Thomsen, S.F. (2017). Institutional review boards’ attitudes towards renumeration in paediatric research: Ethical considerations. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 53(12), pp. 1149-1151. In this article the authors explore the attitudes of IRBs towards payment and compensation in paediatric health research, in an effort to find the ethical balance between ensuring recruitment […]

Contrasting views of risk perception and influence of financial compensation between adolescent research participants and their parents.

Wiener, L., Viola, A., Wilfond, B., Wendler, D., & Grady, C. (2014). Contrasting views of risk perception and influence of financial compensation between adolescent research participants and their parents. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 10(1), pp. 49-58. In this paper the researchers interviewed a sample of 177 adolescents and a parent. Discordance […]

Ethical considerations when using incentives in youth research. By Kathryn Seymour

You can download this ERIC case study as a pdf in English, français, español, 한국어, Türkçe and Bahasa Indonesia. The Queensland Youth Development Research Project (YDRP) used questionnaires to explore the role of youth development programmes in the positive development of young people, aged 12-18 years. We were interested in gaining a better understanding about […]

Ethics and research with children: A case-based approach.

Kodish, E., & Nelson, R. M. (Eds.). (2019). Ethics and research with children: A case-based approach (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190647254 Publisher’s Description: In Ethics and Research with Children, authors present and discuss challenging cases in the field of pediatric research ethics. This 2nd Edition includes a revised and updated introduction […]