‘I’m going to call my friend to join us’: connections and challenges in online video interviews with children during COVID-19.

Donison, L., Raby, R., Waboso, N., Sheppard, L. C., Grossman, K., Harding, E., & Myatt, H. (2023). ‘I’m going to call my friend to join us’: connections and challenges in online video interviews with children during COVID-19. Children’s Geographies, Published Online Ahead of Print, pp.1-15. Abstract: This paper explores research with children through repeated online […]

Ethics and researching young children’s digital literacy practices.

Flewitt, R. (2019). Ethics and researching young children’s digital literacy practices. In Erstad, O., Flewitt, R., Kümmerling-Meibauer, B., & Pereira, Í.S.(Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Digital Literacies in Early Childhood (Chapter 4). Routledge: London. ebook ISBN: 9780203730638. Chapter Abstract: This chapter considers the ethics of doing research about young children’s offline and online digital literacy […]

Predictive analytics for children: An assessment of ethical considerations, risks and benefits.

Rahman, Z., & Keseru. J. (2021). Predictive analytics for children: An assessment of ethical considerations, risks and benefits. Innocenti Working Papers 2021-08. UNICEF: Florence. Abstract: This paper examines potential ethical issues, including benefits and risks, associated with predictive analytics as they pertain to children. It is designed to support readers in gaining an overview of […]

Innovative ethics: Using animated videos when soliciting informed consent of young people for online surveys.

McInroy, L. B. (2017). Innovative ethics: Using animated videos when soliciting informed consent of young people for online surveys. Social Work Research, 41(2), pp.121-128. This research note discusses the potential of animated video to enhance the informed consent process in on-line research involving young people and the author shares an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOzvDAwnmaI Please view the […]