Improving the informed consent process among HIV-infected undisclosed minors participating in a biomedical research: Insights from the multicentre nutritional SNACS study in Senegal.
Hejoaka, F., Varloteaux, M., Desclaux-Sall, C., Ndiaye, S. M., Diop, K., Diack, A., Niasse, F., & Cames, C. (2019). Improving the informed consent process among HIV-infected undisclosed minors participating in a biomedical research: Insights from the multicentre nutritional SNACS study in Senegal. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 24(3), 294-303. This article provides detailed reflection on […]
Caregiver consent for child participation in research: Reaching and protecting the most vulnerable. By Lucie Cluver, Franziska Meinck & Mark Boyes
You can download this ERIC case study as a pdf in English, français, >español, 한국어, Türkçe and Bahasa Indonesia. The Young Carers Study is a national study, designed in collaboration with Universities, the South African government, UNICEF, Save the Children and the National Action Committee for Children affected by HIV and AIDS. The study interviews […]
Dilemmas of dealing with distress during interviews with children. By Elsbeth Robson & Ruth Evans
You can download this ERIC case study as a pdf in English, français, español, 한국어, Türkçe and Bahasa Indonesia. We conducted research projects involving interviews with young caregivers in the context of the HIV epidemic in Zimbabwe, Tanzania and the UK. The children had recent or current caregiving responsibilities looking after a chronically sick family […]
Finding the balance between protection and participation: What do you do when follow-up services are not readily available? By Mónica Ruiz-Casares
You can download this ERIC case study as a pdf in English, français, español, 한국어, Türkçe and Bahasa Indonesia. A challenge for researchers is to find the right balance between protecting young people from risk while also providing them with an opportunity for meaningful participation. Researchers confront an ethical dilemma when appropriate follow-up services are […]
Research with children: Sharing the dilemmas.
Cree, V. E., Kay, H., & Tisdall, K. (2002). Research with children: Sharing the dilemmas. Child and Family Social Work, 7(1). pp. 47-56.