Ethical and practical concerns in developing payment policies for research involving children and adolescents.
Iltis, A. S., Matsuo, H., & DeVader, S. R. (2008). Currents in contemporary ethics: Ethical and practical concerns in developing payment policies for research involving children and adolescents. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 36(2), pp. 413–418. In this paper the authors propose a structure for payment policies for ethical research involving children in health […]
Institutional review boards’ attitudes towards renumeration in paediatric research: Ethical considerations.
Flege, M.M. & Thomsen, S.F. (2017). Institutional review boards’ attitudes towards renumeration in paediatric research: Ethical considerations. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 53(12), pp. 1149-1151. In this article the authors explore the attitudes of IRBs towards payment and compensation in paediatric health research, in an effort to find the ethical balance between ensuring recruitment […]
An examination of incentive strategies to increase participation in outcomes research for an adolescent inpatient unity.
Ha, C., Madan, A., Long, T. A., & Sharp, C. (2016). An examination of incentive strategies to increase participation in outcomes research for an adolescent inpatient unity. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 22(3), pp. 250-256. In this paper the authors wanted to track the progress of young people discharged from in-patient psychiatric treatment. Maintaining young people’s […]
Contrasting views of risk perception and influence of financial compensation between adolescent research participants and their parents.
Wiener, L., Viola, A., Wilfond, B., Wendler, D., & Grady, C. (2014). Contrasting views of risk perception and influence of financial compensation between adolescent research participants and their parents. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 10(1), pp. 49-58. In this paper the researchers interviewed a sample of 177 adolescents and a parent. Discordance […]
The effect of financial compensation on willingness to supply a child’s blood sample: A randomised control trial.
Acharya, Y., Norton, E.C., & Lumeng, J.C. (2017). The effect of financial compensation on willingness to supply a child’s blood sample: A randomised control trial. Evaluation & the Health Professions, 40(3), pp. 359-371. In this paper the authors explore the impact of compensation, while seeking to strike a balance between compensation and coercion. They identify […]
Actualising child and adolescent empowerment in participatory action research for health promotion: A six-element framework.
Chrifou, R., Anselma, M., Christens, B. D., Israel, B. A., Jurkowski, J. M., Perkins, D. D., Zimmerman, M.A., & Altenburg, T. M. (2024). Actualizing child and adolescent empowerment in participatory action research for health promotion: A six-element framework. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 29(1), Art No: 2354907. Through extensive mapping this study elucidates six […]
The adult in the room: The push and pull of parental involvement in research with children.
Wiedenman, E. M., Lee, K. M., & Hunleth, J. (2023). The adult in the room: The push and pull of parental involvement in research with children. Childhood, 30(3), pp. 317-333. Abstract: Parental involvement in research where children are the primary study participants is frequent but under-analyzed. To understand such dynamics in research with children, we […]
Ethical considerations in engaging young people in European obesity prevention research: The CO-CREATE experience.
Budin-Ljøsne, I., Ayuandini, S., Baillergeau, E., Broër, C., Helleve, A., Klepp, K-I., Kysnes, B., Lien, N., Lusznzcynska, A., Nesrallah, S., Rito, A., Rutter, H., Samdal, O., Savona, N., & Veltkamp, G. (2023). Ethical considerations in engaging young people in European obesity prevention research: The CO-CREATE experience. Obesity Reviews, 24(S1) e13518. This paper shares experiences from […]
Supporting children and young people when making decisions about joining clinical trials: Qualitative study to inform multimedia website development.
Martin-Kerry, J.M., Knapp, P., Atkin, K., Bower, P., Watt, I., Stones, C., Higgins, S., Sheridan, R., Preston, J., Taylor, D.H., Baines, P., & Young, B. (2019). Supporting children and young people when making decisions about joining clinical trials: Qualitative study to inform multimedia website development. British Medical Journal Open, 9:e023984. This paper reports upon aspects […]
Exploring the ethical issues in research using digital data collection strategies with minors: A scoping review.
Facca, D., Smith, M. J., Shelley, J., Lizotte, D., & Donelle, L. (2020). Exploring the ethical issues in research using digital data collection strategies with minors: A scoping review. PLOS ONE, 15(8), Article: e0237875.