Novel approach to parental permission and child assent for research: improving comprehension.
O’Lonergan, T. A., & Forster-Harwood, J. E. (2011). Novel approach to parental permission and child assent for research: Improving comprehension. Pediatrics, 127(5), pp. 917-924. Please view the abstract for this article via the Publisher’s Link below.
Children’s knowledge of the terms of informed assent.
Lobato, L., Gazzinelli, A., Pedroso, L. S., Barbosa, R., Santos, F. M. M., & Gazzinelli, M. F. (2016). Children’s knowledge of the terms of informed assent. Revista Bioética, 24, pp. 542-556. Abstract: The objective of this study is to describe the knowledge of children and adolescents regarding the information disclosed by the terms of assent […]
Research information for minors: Suitable formats and readability. A systematic review.
Grootens‐Wiegers, P., de Vries, M. C., & van den Broek, J. M. (2015). Research information for minors: Suitable formats and readability. A systematic review. Journal of paediatrics and child health, 51(5), pp. 505-511. Please view the abstract for this article via the Publisher’s Link below.