What we know about ethical research involving children in humanitarian settings: An overview of principles, the literature and case studies. Innocenti Working Paper No. 2016-18.
Berman, G., Hart, J., O’Mathúna, D., Mattellone, E., Potts, A., O’Kane, C., Shusterman, J., & Tanner, T. (2016). What we know about ethical research involving children in humanitarian settings: An overview of principles, the literature and case studies. Innocenti Working Paper No. 2016-18. Florence: UNICEF Office of Research.
‘Living’ ethical dilemmas for researchers when researching with children.
Mortari, L., & Harcourt, D. (2012). ‘Living’ ethical dilemmas for researchers when researching with children. International Journal of Early Years Education, 20(3), pp. 234-243.
Ethical issues in research into conflict and displacement.
El-Khani, A., Ulph, F., Redmond, A. D., & Calam, R. (2013). Correspondence: Ethical issues in research into conflict and displacement. The Lancet, 382 (August 31, 2013), pp. 764-765.
Moving the participation agenda forward.
Hill, M., Davis, J., Prout, A., & Tisdall, K. (2004). Moving the participation agenda forward. Children & Society, 18(2). pp. 77-96.
Obstacles to involving children and young people in foster care research.
Gilbertson, R., & Barber, J. G. (2002). Obstacles to involving children and young people in foster care research. Child & Family Social Work, 7(4). pp. 253-258.
Refugee families’ experience of research participation.
Dyregrov, K., Dyregrov, A., & Raundalen, M. (2000). Refugee families’ experience of research participation. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 13(3). pp. 413-426.
Accessing children as research participants: Examining the role of gatekeepers.
Coyne, I. (2010). Accessing children as research participants: Examining the role of gatekeepers. Child: Care, Health and Development, 36(4). pp. 452-454. There is no abstract available for this article.
Ethics and educational research
Brooks, R., Te Riele, K., & Maguire, M. (2014). Ethics and educational research. London: BERA and Sage Publications. ISBN: 978-1-446-27488-0
Conducting school-based focus groups: Lessons learned from the CATS project.
Horowitz, J. A., Vessey, J. A., Carlson, K. L., Bradley, J. F., Montoya, C., & McCullough, B. (2003). Conducting school-based focus groups: Lessons learned from the CATS project. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 18(5). pp. 321-331.
Towards an understanding of the place of ethics in school-based action research in the United Kingdom.
Brindley, S., & Bowker, A. (2013). Towards an understanding of the place of ethics in school-based action research in the United Kingdom. Educational Action Research, 21(3). pp. 289-306.