Ethical issues in using the internet to engage participants in family and child research: A scoping review.
Hokke, S., Hackworth, N. J., Quin, N., Bennetts, S. K., Win, H. Y., Nicholson, J. M., Zion, L., Lucke, J., Keyzer, P., & Crawford, S. B. (2018). Ethical issues in using the internet to engage participants in family and child research: A scoping review. PLOS ONE, 13(9), e0204572. This is an open access article. The […]
The principles and ethics of including children with disability in child research.
Jenkin, E., Wilson, E., Campain, R., & Clarke, M. (2020). The principles and ethics of including children with disability in child research. Children & Society, 34(1), pp.1-16. Abstract: This paper provides a set of principles and ethics, developed in collaboration between Pacific- and Australian-based researchers, to guide research practice in a project enabling the self-reporting […]
Ethical considerations for research with children.
Berman, G.(2016). Ethical considerations for research with children. London: Global Kids Online, The London School of Economics and Political Science.
Ethical issues in using the internet to engage participants in family and child research: A scoping review.
Hokke, S., Hackworth, N. J., Quin, N., Bennetts, S. K., Win, H. Y., Nicholson, J. M., Zion, L., Lucke, J., Keyzer, P., & Crawford, S. B. (2018). Ethical issues in using the internet to engage participants in family and child research: A scoping review. PLOS ONE, 13(9), e0204572.
Ethics and evaluative consultations with children in small to mid-sized Australian non-government organisations.
Kelly, L. (2017). Ethics and evaluative consultations with children in small to mid-sized Australian non-government organisations. Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 17(1), pp. 4-11.
Advancing ethical research with children: Critical reflections on ethical guidelines.
Abebe, T., & Bessell, S. (2014). Advancing ethical research with children: Critical reflections on ethical guidelines. Children’s Geographies, 12(1), pp. 126-133.
Ethical research with children: The time for debate is now.
Bessell, S. (2006). Ethical research with children: The time for debate is now. Communities, Children and Families Australia, 1(1), pp. 43-49.