The ethics of research with children and young people: A practical handbook.
Alderson, P., & Morrow, V. (2020). The ethics of research with children and young people: A practical handbook. New York: Sage Publications. Paperback ISBN: 9-781-526-477-866
Ethical research involving children: Putting the evidence into practice.
Graham, A., Powell, M.A., & Taylor, N. (2015). Ethical research involving children: Putting the evidence into practice. Family Matters, 96, pp. 23-28. Abstract: Undertaking research with children and young people gives rise to a number of ethical challenges and dilemmas – both predictable and unforseen. This article introduces the Ethical Research Involving Children (ERIC) project, […]
Navigating ‘ethics in practice’: An ethnographic case study with young women living with HIV in Zambia.
Mackworth-Young, C. R. S., Schneiders, M. L., Wringe, A., Simwinga, M., & Bond, V. (2019). Navigating ‘ethics in practice’: An ethnographic case study with young women living with HIV in Zambia. Global Public Health, 14(12), pp.1689-1702. This article reflects on the complexities of navigating ‘ethics in practice’ (sometimes referred to as situated ethics) and ‘ethically […]
What we know about ethical research involving children in humanitarian settings: An overview of principles, the literature and case studies. Innocenti Working Paper No. 2016-18.
Berman, G., Hart, J., O’Mathúna, D., Mattellone, E., Potts, A., O’Kane, C., Shusterman, J., & Tanner, T. (2016). What we know about ethical research involving children in humanitarian settings: An overview of principles, the literature and case studies. Innocenti Working Paper No. 2016-18. Florence: UNICEF Office of Research.
Developing ethical guidelines for safeguarding children during social research.
Furey, R., Kay, J., Barley, R., Cripps, C., Shipton, L., & Steill, B. (2010). Developing ethical guidelines for safeguarding children during social research. Research Ethics , 6(4), pp. 120-127.
Ethics of researching children’s well-being.
Morrow, V., & Boyden, J. (2014). Ethics of researching children’s well-being. In A. Ben-Arieh, F. Casas, I. Frønes, & E. J. Korbin (Eds.), Handbook of Child Well-Being: Theories, Methods and Policies in Global Perspective (pp. 2895-2918). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. ISBN: 978-90-481-9063-8.
Exploring the nexus between participatory methods and ethics in early childhood research.
Graham, A., Powell, M., & Truscott, J. (2016). Exploring the nexus between participatory methods and ethics in early childhood research. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 41(1), pp. 82-89.
Researching the experience of refugee children: Key ethical considerations.
Powell, M. A., & Graham, A. (2015). Researching the experience of refugee children: Key ethical considerations. In M. Crock (Ed.), Creating new futures: Settling children and youth from refugee backgrounds. Sydney: Federation Press.
The child as co-researcher: Moral and epistemological issues in childhood research.
Willumsen, E., Hugaas, J. V., & Studsrød, I. (2014). The child as co-researcher: Moral and epistemological issues in childhood research. Ethics and Social Welfare, 8(4), pp. 332-349.
Research with Indigenous children and young people in schools: Ethical and methodological considerations.
Wilson, K., & Wilks, J. (2013). Research with Indigenous children and young people in schools: Ethical and methodological considerations. Global Studies of Childhood, 3(2), pp. 142-152.