’What about my voice’: Emancipating the voices of children with disabilities through participant-centred methods.
Stafford, L. (2017). ‘What about my voice’: Emancipating the voices of children with disabilities through participant-centred methods. Children’s Geographies, 15(5), pp. 600-613. Abstract: Children with diverse physical, communication and/or cognitive impairments are often overlooked as active research participants. This paper challenges and lays bare norms and constructs, such as ableism and adultism, which lead to […]
Research into the views of two child reference groups on the arts in research concerning wellbeing.
Jones, P., Mercieca, D., & Munday, E. (2020). Research into the views of two child reference groups on the arts in research concerning wellbeing. Arts & Health, 12(1), pp. 53-70. This paper draws on insights from youth participants involved in two young people’s research advisory groups (one in the Malta the other in the UK). […]
More than methods: Learning from research with children seeking asylum in Ireland.
White, A., & Bushin, N. (2011). More than methods: Learning from research with children seeking asylum in Ireland. Population, Space and Place 17(4), pp. 326-337.
Researching children’s health experiences: The place for participatory, child-centered, arts-based approaches.
Carter, B., & Ford, K. (2012). Researching children’s health experiences: The place for participatory, child-centered, arts-based approaches. Research in Nursing & Health, 36(1), pp. 95-107.