Novel approach to parental permission and child assent for research: improving comprehension.
O’Lonergan, T. A., & Forster-Harwood, J. E. (2011). Novel approach to parental permission and child assent for research: Improving comprehension. Pediatrics, 127(5), pp. 917-924. Please view the abstract for this article via the Publisher’s Link below.
Research information for minors: Suitable formats and readability. A systematic review.
Grootens‐Wiegers, P., de Vries, M. C., & van den Broek, J. M. (2015). Research information for minors: Suitable formats and readability. A systematic review. Journal of paediatrics and child health, 51(5), pp. 505-511. Please view the abstract for this article via the Publisher’s Link below.
Readability and visuals in medical research information forms for children and adolescents.
Grootens-Wiegers, P., De Vries, M. C., Vossen, T. E., & Van den Broek, J. M. (2015). Readability and visuals in medical research information forms for children and adolescents. Science Communication, 37(1), pp. 89-117. Please view the abstract for this article via the Publisher’s Link below.