Involving children and young people in clinical research through the forum of a European Young Persons’ Advisory Group: Needs and challenges.

Gaillard, S., Malik, S., Preston, J., Escalera, B. N., Dicks, P., Touil, N., Mardirossian, S., Claverol-Torres, J., & Kassaï, B. (2018). Involving children and young people in clinical research through the forum of a European Young Persons’ Advisory Group: Needs and challenges. Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology, 32(4), pp. 357-362. In line with the expansion of […]

Ethics and research with children: A case-based approach.

Kodish, E., & Nelson, R. M. (Eds.). (2019). Ethics and research with children: A case-based approach (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190647254 Publisher’s Description: In Ethics and Research with Children, authors present and discuss challenging cases in the field of pediatric research ethics. This 2nd Edition includes a revised and updated introduction […]