Is silencing children unethical? Gatekeeping, rights and ethics.

Harry Shier Note: This blog post is a personal reflection by the author. It does not reflect the views of the ERIC team, or of any research team or institution the author is or has been a part of. Despite recent progress in broadening our understanding of ethics in research with children (much of it […]

A hierarchical model of children’s research participation rights based on information, understanding, voice, and influence.

Mayne, F., Howitt, C., & Rennie, L. J. (2018). A hierarchical model of children’s research participation rights based on information, understanding, voice, and influence. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 26(5), pp. 644-656. This paper introduces a hierarchical model of children’s (3- to 8-year olds) research participation rights that builds on work by Roger Hart […]

Research ethics, children, and young people.

Oates, J. (2020). Research ethics, children, and young people. In R. Iphofen (Ed.), Handbook of Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity (pp. 623-635). Cham: Springer International Publishing. Abstract: Special considerations apply to the ethics of research with children and young people. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (United Nations, 1989) highlights the need […]

Ethical research involving children: Facilitating reflexive engagement.

Powell, M. A., Graham, A., & Truscott, J. (2016). Ethical research involving children: Facilitating reflexive engagement. Qualitative Research Journal, 16(2), pp.197-208. Abstract: Purpose: Qualitative researchers working with children are increasingly sharing accounts of their research journeys, including the inherent ethical tensions they navigate. Within such accounts, reflexivity is consistently signalled as an important feature of […]