Research with children: Balancing protection and participation.

Bessell, S. (2024). Research with children: Balancing protection and participation. In Smyth, B.M., Martin, M.A., & Downing, M. (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Human Research Ethics and Integrity in Australia. (Chapter 26). Routledge: London. ebook ISBN: 9781003319733. Abstract: Over the past three to four decades there has been a dramatic increase in research involving children […]

Children’s voices for change: Co-researching with children and young people as family violence experts by experience.

Dimopoulos, G., Horley, K., Anderson, T., & Liam. (2024). Children’s voices for change: Co-researching with children and young people as family violence experts by experience. Childhood, Published Online Ahead of Print. Abstract: Researching with children and young people on topics that are considered to be ‘sensitive’, such as family violence, trauma and abuse, continues to […]

Tensions and challenges concerning ethics on video research with young children – Experiences from an international collaboration among seven countries.

Rutanen, N., de Souza Amorim, K., Marwick, H., & White, J. (2018). Tensions and challenges concerning ethics on video research with young children – Experiences from an international collaboration among seven countries. Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy, 3(1), pp. 1-14. This paper shares insights from a collaborative study across seven countries, drawing particular attention […]

Ethical considerations when using incentives in youth research. By Kathryn Seymour

You can download this ERIC case study as a pdf in English, français, español, 한국어, Türkçe and Bahasa Indonesia. The Queensland Youth Development Research Project (YDRP) used questionnaires to explore the role of youth development programmes in the positive development of young people, aged 12-18 years. We were interested in gaining a better understanding about […]

Embedding young children’s participation rights into research: How the interactive narrative approach enhances meaningful participation.

Mayne, F., & Howitt, C. (2019). Embedding young children’s participation rights into research: How the interactive narrative approach enhances meaningful participation. International Journal of Early Childhood, 51(3), pp. 335-353.  This research explored how young children’s research participation can be enhanced when an interactive narrative approach is embedded within research to enhance children’s consent to participation […]

‘I want to share this video with you today.’ Children’s participation rights in childhood research.

Huser, C. (2019). ‘I want to share this video with you today.’ Children’s participation rights in childhood research. Human Rights Education Review, 2(2), pp. 45-63.  Abstract: The Convention on the Rights of the Child foregrounds the right to participate. Contributing to decision-making on matters concerning children’s lives is fundamental to rights education. This paper discusses […]

Children’s competence and wellbeing in sensitive research: When video-stimulated accounts lead to dispute.

Theobald, M., & Danby, S. J. (2019). Children’s competence and wellbeing in sensitive research: When video-stimulated accounts lead to dispute. In J. Lamerichs, S. J. Danby, A. Bateman, & S. Ekberg (Eds.), Children and Mental Health Talk: Perspectives on Social Competence (pp. 137-166). Cham: Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-030-28426-8. Chapter Abstract: Children’s perspectives in research […]

The principles and ethics of including children with disability in child research.

Jenkin, E., Wilson, E., Campain, R., & Clarke, M. (2020). The principles and ethics of including children with disability in child research. Children & Society, 34(1), pp.1-16. Abstract: This paper provides a set of principles and ethics, developed in collaboration between Pacific- and Australian-based researchers, to guide research practice in a project enabling the self-reporting […]