Research ethics and digitising early childhood.

Dobson, M., Murcia, K., Gifkins, K., & Holloway, D. (2021). Research Ethics and Digitising Early Childhood. In: Holloway, D., Willson, M., Murcia, K., Archer, C., Stocco, F. (Eds). Young Children’s Rights in a Digital World. Children’s Well-Being: Indicators and Research, vol 23. Springer: Cham. ISBN: 978-3-030-65915-8. e-ISBN: 978-3-030-65916-5.

Abstract: Research focusing on young children and digital technologies demands a careful and considered ethical approach. While many ethical frameworks are available, these may not address the dilemmas facing researchers working in this complex space. This chapter presents an ethical framework to support researchers in work focusing on the digitisation of early childhood, and explores the perspectives and experiences of researchers who have dealt with a range of ethical challenges across a multitude of projects dealing with young children and digital technologies. The perspectives and experiences of these researchers are analysed through the framework provided, encompassing topics such as: the negotiation of young children’s informed consent; their participation in digital data collection; respecting children’s rights; honouring their voices in research; data security; and, managing anonymity when disseminating visual data. Through the analysis and discussion, provocations are posited and recommendations are made which will guide future research in this area.

Abstract reproduced with special permission from Springer International Publishing.

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