Ajodhia, A. (2019). Reflexively conducting research with ethnically diverse children with disabilities. In I. R. Berson, M. J. Berson, & C. Gray (Eds.), Participatory Methodologies to Elevate Children’s Voice and Agency (pp. 117-150). Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing.
Abstract: This reflexive chapter explores the process of engaging ethnically diverse children with disabilities within participatory and narrative research concerning their school life via a mutli-method qualitative approach. It contemplates the use of participatory research methods, involving children with disabilities as co-researchers, establishing related research envrionments, and maintaning qualitative rigor while supporting children’s voices and agency. This chapter addresss possibilities of qualitative research to access and amplify voices and differing social experiences of children with disabilities, whilst underscoring their capacity and right to contribute to research regarding their lives. The author advocates re-envisioning ways to conduct ethical research with children with disabilities.
A sample portion of this chapter is available to view via Google Books (see Open Access button below).
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