So you want to involve children in research? A toolkit supporting children’s meaningful and ethical participation in research relating to violence against children.

Laws, S., & Mann, G. (2004). So you want to involve children in research? A toolkit supporting children’s meaningful and ethical participation in research relating to violence against children. Stockholm: Save the Children Sweden. ISBN: 9173210889.

Extract from introduction (p. 7): “This research kit is one part of a series of toolkits produced by the International Save the Children Alliance. This part of the toolkit aims to encourage meaningful and ethical participation by children in research related to violence against children. It promotes research that sees children as active agents in their own lives, not passive victims or research ‘subjects’. There are many ways in which children can be more actively involved in research, both as respondents and as co-researchers. This kit aims to give guidance on ways of approaching this work, on ethical issues to be considered, and on techniques that can be used. Case studies from around the world draw on a rich field of participatory research with children that has developed in recent years.”

The full toolkit is freely available to download directly from the link below.

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