Inclusion with protection: Obtaining informed consent when conducting research with adolescents.

Santelli, J., Haerizadeh, S., & McGovern, T. (2017). Inclusion with protection: Obtaining informed consent when conducting research with adolescents. Florence: UNICEF, Office of Research – Innocenti.

Produced by the UNICEF Office of Research, this series of briefs on research methods is intended to share contemporary research practice, methods, designs, and recommendations from renowned researchers and evaluators. The primary audience are professionals, including UNICEF staff, who conduct, commission or interpret research and evaluation findings in development contexts to make decisions about programming, policy and advocacy.

This brief is one of seven on research methodologies designed to expand and improve the conduct and interpretation of research on adolescent health and well-being in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Building on the recent Lancet Commission on Adolescent Health and Wellbeing, these briefs provide an overview of the methodological quality of research on adolescents. They cover topics including: indicators and data sources; research ethics; research with disadvantaged, vulnerable and/or marginalized populations; participatory research; measuring enabling and protective systems for adolescent health; and economic strengthening interventions for improving adolescent well-being.

The briefs are written by leading experts in adolescent health and well-being. To read other briefs in this series, visit research-methods/

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