Ennew, J., & Plateau, D. P. (2005). ‘I cry when I am hit:’ Children have the right to be properly researched. Paper contributed to UNESCO, 2005, Eliminating Corporal Punishment – The Way Forward to Constructive Child Discipline. Paris: UNESCO.
Extract from Introduction (p. 1): “Adults can usually provide both reasons and excuses for disciplining children by hitting them or using some other means of physical punishment. The most popular justifications are ‘children need to be punished to learn correct behaviour’ and ‘corporal punishment is traditional and does no harm’. Yet, as the papers in this volume show, corporal punishment violates children’s rights. Harm does not have to result for physical punishment to be wrong. Less is known, however, about children’s views on the topic.”
The full paper is freely available via the Publisher’s Link below.
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