O’Neill, B., Livingstone, S., & McLaughlin, S. (2011). Final recommendations for policy, methodology and research. London: EU Kids Online / London School of Economics. ISSN: 2045-256X.
Extract from Executive Summary (p. 5): “The EU Kids Online survey has generated a substantial body of new data – rigorously collected and cross-nationally comparable – on European children’s access, use, opportunities, risks and safety practices regarding the internet and online technologies. Significantly, findings come from interviews conducted directly with children aged between 9 and 16 from 25 countries across Europe. A central objective of the EU Kids Online project has been to inform an evidence-based, proportionate policy framework in relation to children and the internet. Drawing on the full range of findings and reports produced. This report summarises the final recommendations of EU Kids Online and includes recommendations on policy, methodological lessons learned as well as recommendations further research.”
The full document is freely available to download via the Publisher’s Link below.
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