Munro, E. R., Lushey, C., Ward, H., & National Care Advisory Service. (2011). Evaluation of the Right2BCared4 Pilots: Final Report. London: Department for Education. Research Report DFE-RR106.
Extract from Executive Summary (p. 9): “The pilot was undertaken at a time of rapid policy development in relation to leaving care services with local authorities developing policy and practice in response to: the Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000, the Southwark Judgement, Care Matters: Time for Change and more recently the Children and Young Persons Act 2008. The findings from the evaluation demonstrate that the comparator authorities, selected because they offer high quality leaving care services, are generally operating in line with the principles of Right2BCared4 and that their practices are similar. In this sense the research offers an insight into current good practice and illuminates how authorities might deploy their existing resources to best affect to meet their existing statutory duties.”
The full report is freely available to download via the Publisher’s Link below.
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