Ethical guidance for research with people with disabilities.

National Disability Authority. (2009). Ethical guidance for research with people with disabilities. Dublin: National Disability Authority Ireland.

Extract from Introduction (p. 7): “Research is undertaken to expand knowledge, discover the truth and provide evidence for practitioners, policy-makers and legislators.[1] Research that involves people with disabilities is important in uncovering issues requiring attention; in informing policy; in evaluating programmes and services; and in tracking how social and economic change affects people with disabilities. The importance of research and data related to disability has been underscored in the Report of the Commission on the Status of People with Disabilities (1996), and in the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (2006), adopted in December 2006.[2]

Disability research ethics are located within the wider research ethics framework. Ethical principles require that any research involving human subjects is framed and conducted in a way that respects the human rights of the individuals concerned. The UN Convention sets out what recognised human rights principles mean in respect of people with disabilities. Central to the UN Convention’s understanding of human rights are respect for the inherent dignity, individual autonomy — including the freedom to make one’s own choices — and independence of persons.”

The full guidance is available to view via the web link below.

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