Edmonds, C. (2005). Ethical considerations when conducting research on children in the worst forms of child labour in Nepal. Switzerland: International Labour Office (ILO), International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC). ISBN: 9220177153.
Extract from preface (p. v): “Although there is a body of knowledge, data, and documentation on child labour, there are also still considerable gaps in understanding the variety of forms and conditions in which children work. This is especially true of the worst forms of child labour, which by their very nature are often hidden from public view and scrutiny… The ILO has carried out 38 rapid assessments of the worst forms of child labour in 19 countries and one border area. The investigations have been made using a new rapid assessment methodology on child labour, elaborated jointly by the ILO and UNICEF… The investigations on the worst forms of child labour have explored very sensitive areas including illegal, criminal or immoral activities…I am convinced that the important ethical considerations when conducting research on children engaged in the worst forms of child labour contained in this document will contribute to a well-planned and meaningful research process.”
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