Digital technologies for supporting the informed consent of children and young people in research: The potential for transforming current research ethics practice.

Parsons, S., & Abbott, C. (2013). Digital technologies for supporting the informed consent of children and young people in research: The potential for transforming current research ethics practice. UK: EPSRC Observatory for Responsible Innovation in ICT.

Abstract: Much research at the intersection of technology and ethics focuses on the impact of technological developments and innovation on wider society. This discussion considers the intersection of ethics and technology from the opposite direction; that is, how technology itself can support the ethical participation of people – particularly children and young people – in research. Our central argument is that the use of digital technologies (laptops, PCs, tablet devices, smartphones) offers the potential to support the presentation of information about research topics and methodologies, and children’s decision-making about their own participation, more effectively than by traditional, often paper-based, methods. (A free full text pdf is available from the Responsible Innovation in ICT website via the Publisher’s Link button below).

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