Dalli, C., & Stephenson, A. (2010). Chapter 2: Involving children in research in early childhood education settings: Opening up the issues. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Education New Zealand. ISBN: 9780478367133; online ISBN: 9780478367140.
Publication Details: This report examines theory, practice and ethical considerations when involving children and young people as participants in research and evaluation projects. As will become evident throughout the report, it is not possible to provide definitive answers to many of the questions and issues that arise in this area. We have instead attempted to ‘open up’ some of the ethical, theoretical and methodological issues. It is intended that the report will promote informed, mindful, and respectful practices that also meet national and international standards for methodological rigour.
The full chapter (and report) and can be viewed and freely downloaded via the Publisher’s Link below.
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