Dew, K. (2007). A health researcher’s guide to qualitative methodologies. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 31(5). pp. 433-437.
Abstract: Objective: To provide an overview of qualitative methodologies for health researchers in order to inform better research practices. Approach: Different possible goals in health research are outlined: quantifying relationships between variables, identifying associations, exploring experience, understanding process, distinguishing representations, comprehending social practices and achieving change. Three important issues in understanding qualitative approaches to research are discussed: the partiality of our view of the world, deductive and inductive approaches to research, and the role of the researcher in the research process. The methodologies of phenomenology, grounded theory, discourse analysis, ethnography, ethnomethodology and action research are illustrated. Conclusion: In order to undertake high-quality qualitative research, it is important for researchers to consider their analytic focus and methodological position. (Abstract published by arrangement with Wiley Subscription Services, Inc.).
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