Daley, K. (2012). Gathering sensitive stories: Using care theory to guide ethical decision making in research interviews with young people. Youth Studies Australia, 31(3), pp. 27-34.
Abstract: Discussions of research ethics are often focused on research ethics guidelines. These guidelines are useful in designing ethical research projects but are not designed to guide the interpersonal interactions that occur once researchers are out in the field. Drawing from Noddings’ care theory, this article argues that making ethical decisions when conducting in-depth interviews needs to be done on a case-by-case basis. The author’s case study focuses on two key issues associated with research participants, over-disclosure and intense emotional responses, and concludes that relational ethics is the most suitable theoretical framework for guiding researchers’ interpersonal practice.
(This long-standing journal has experienced significant funding constraints and is now no longer in print. Perhaps for this reason, sometimes it seems that the links below do not work. If you cannot get them to open, try a general internet search using the title of the article and you should be able to locate the article and open access pdf.)
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