Bone, J. (2005). An ethical journey: Rights, relationships and reflexivity. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 30(1), pp. 1-5.
Abstract: In this paper the process of approaching three different early childhood settings with the same consent forms is discussed. In each setting ethical procedures were viewed differently. This formed a journey of discovery and provided an opportunity to reconceptualise the ethical process. While it is always the responsibility of the researcher to conduct research in an ethical way, the field of early childhood education offers specific challenges. In this research it became obvious that perspectives on ethics include rights, relationships and reflexivity. The importance of including teachers and parents in this process is acknowledged. The consent form for children is described and, as it becomes a focus of negotiation, its influence on the attitude of the researcher becomes a narrative of ethical encounter. (Abstract kindly reproduced with permission from Early Childhood Australia. A free full text pdf of this article is available via the Publisher’s Link button below). Publisher’s Link