Evaluating eyeYPAG: A co-production project.

Ashton, E., Barnicoat, B., McFarlane-Rose, E., Noor, J., & Noor, R. with Brady, L-M. (2021). Evaluating eyeYPAG: A co-production project. Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: Finsbury, London.

Abstract: eyeYPAG is a young persons’ advisory group (YPAG) for eye and vision research based at Moorfields Eye Hospital which started in March 2019. We wanted to find out what has been good about the group, what difference we have made and how we can develop and improve in the future. So, a group of eyeYPAG members co- produced an evaluation and asked group members, researchers who had worked with us, group organisers, parents and carers and funders for their views.

Open Access Report