Spencer, N. L., Peers, D., & Eales, L. (2020). Disability language in adapted physical education: What is the story? In J. A. Haegele, Hodge, S.R., Shapiro, D.R. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Adapted Physical Education. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
This chapter builds upon other work by the authors in this space and discusses the conceptual frameworks underpinning the emergence and use of different disability terms. It aims to help make explicit the need for coherence between theoretical approaches to research and disability terminology used, including with children in the school context. It highlights the complexities surrounding language use and the potential harm it can cause.
The book can be located via the Publisher’s Link below, with an e-book version available. Extracts from this chapter are also available to view via the Open Access button.