Co‐creation of information materials within the assent process: From theory to practice.

Fons‐Martinez, J., Ferrer‐Albero, C., & Diez‐Domingo, J. (2023). Co‐creation of information materials within the assent process: From theory to practice. Health Expectations, 26(1), pp.429-439.

Abstract: The informed consent process is key to safeguarding the autonomy of the participant in medical research. For this process to be valid, the information presented to the potential participant should meet their needs and be understood by them. The i-CONSENT project has developed ‘Guidelines for adapting the informed consent process in clinical trials’ which aim to improve informed consent so that they are easier to understand and better adapted to the needs and preferences of the target population. The best way to tailor information to the characteristics and preferences of the target population is to involve the community itself. (Abstract published by arrangement with Wiley Subscription Services, Inc.).

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