Bessell, S., Beazley, H., & Waterson, R. (2017). The Methodology and Ethics of Rights-Based Research with Children. In A. Invernizzi, M. Liebel, B. Milne, & R. Budde (Eds.), ‘Children Out of Place’ and Human Rights : In Memory of Judith Ennew (pp. 211-231). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
As research with children has burgeoned over the past three decades, methodology and ethics have become increasingly important subjects of discussion and debate. Researchers, particularly in the social sciences, are concerned to ensure not only that the methods used in research with children are robust but that the underpinning principles are ethical and treat children with respect. Judith Ennew was one of the most significant contributors to the development of rights-based research with children, pioneering the concept of ‘the right to be properly researched’. This chapter traces Judith’s contribution to research with children over almost four decades, exploring the theoretical perspectives that shaped her approach to methodology and ethics and discussing in detail the practical application of her approach.
Abstract reproduced with permission © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2017
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