Rights-based research with children: Principles and practice.

Bessell, S. (2016). Rights-based research with children: Principles and practice. In R. Evans, L. Holt, & T. Skelton (Eds.), Methodological Approaches (pp. 1-18). Singapore: Springer Singapore. ISBN: 978-981-4585-89-7.

Chapter Abstract: Research focusing on children and childhood has a long history, dating at least to the early twentieth century. Over the course of more than a century, children have variously been positioned as the objects, subjects and participants of research – and more recently, as bearers of human rights and actors within the research process. Research with children does not occur in a vacuum, but both reflects and shapes the ways in which children are positioned within a society. This chapter explores the ways in which recognition of children’s human rights has influenced thinking about and approaches to research with children. It explores what rights-based research means for research ethics and methodology and for child-adult relations.(Abstract reproduced with permission from Springer).

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