From redistribution to recognition: Dilemmas of justice in a “postsocialist” age.

Fraser, N. (2008). From redistribution to recognition: Dilemmas of justice in a “postsocialist” age. In K. Olson (Ed.), Adding insult to injury: Nancy Fraser debates her critics. London: Verso. ISBN: 9-7818-5984-2232.

Publisher’s Description: ‘Adding insult to injury’ tracks the debate sparked by Nancy Fraser’s controversial effort to combine redistribution, recognition, and representation in a new understanding of social justice. The volume showcases Fraser’s critical exchanges with leading thinkers, including Judith Butler, Richard Rorty, Iris Marion Young, Anne Phillips, and Rainer Frost. The result is a wide-ranging and at times contentious exploration of varied approaches to rebuilding the Left. With contributions by Elizabeth Anderson, Judith Butler, Leonard Feldman, Rainer Forst, Joseph Heath, Nikolas Kompridis, Anne Phillips, Ingrid Robeyns, Richard Rorty, Iris Marion Young, and Christopher Zurn. © Verso Books.

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