Doing research with children and young people.

Fraser, S., Lewis, V., Ding, S., Kellett, M. & Robinson, C. (Eds.). (2004). Doing research with children and young people. London: Sage Publications. ISBN: 9-7807-6194-3815.

Publisher’s Description: ‘Doing research with children and young people’ introduces researchers to the key considerations involved in working with children and young people. The book highlights issues which arise at different stages in the process and which all researchers need to take account of as they plan and carry out a study. These include: ethical and legal issues; philosophical underpinnings of research; age and diversity of the children involved; and evaluation and dissemination of findings.

‘Doing research with children and young people’ has been developed to accompany The Open University course Research with Children and Young People (EK310). It is an ideal introduction for all students and practitioners preparing to research in fields such as education, health, welfare, childhood and youth studies, psychology and sociology. © Sage Publications Ltd.

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