Project Partners
ERIC was developed as a collaborative initiative between:
- UNICEF’s Office of Research, Innocenti;
- Centre for Children and Young People at Southern Cross University, Australia;
- Children’s Issues Centre at the University of Otago, New Zealand; and,
- Childwatch International Research Network.
The Centre for Children and Young People, Southern Cross University, Australia
The Centre for Children and Young People (CCYP) is internationally recognised for its research focused on advancing the rights, wellbeing and participation of children and young people in their families, schools and communities. Established in 2004, and directed by Professor Anne Graham, AO, the Centre undertakes projects ranging from small community-based or regional research initiatives to major national and international studies. Researchers at the CCYP led the extensive research and development process underpinning the ERIC initiative and co-authored the original ERIC Compendium. Researchers from the Centre continue to lead the ongoing development and maintenance of ERIC. In turn, the ERIC approach guides all research at the Centre; children and young people’s views and experiences are central to the research the CCYP does, why they do it and how it is approached.
The Unicef Office of Research
The Office of Research – Innocenti is UNICEF’s dedicated research centre. Its core mandate is to undertake cutting-edge, policy-relevant research that equips the organization and the wider global community to deliver results for children.
UNICEF is committed to ensuring that all research, evaluation and data collection processes undertaken by UNICEF and its partners are ethical. Innocenti’s position, firmly rooted in the global UNICEF network and fully engaged as an independent research body with leading universities and institutes in all regions of the world, promotes a dynamic, real-time discourse on the ethical generation of knowledge about children. Innocenti’s research seeks to inform policy, guide action and also to challenge assumptions.
From 2012-2022 Innocenti was a key partner and the primary funder of ERIC, supporting children worldwide through advocating for their ethical participation in research. UNICEF continues to recognise ERIC’s role as a key international ethics resource for research involving children.
Children’s Issues Centre, University of Otago, New Zealand
The Children’s Issues Centre aims to conduct and disseminate research of the highest international quality that promotes understanding of the underpinnings of well-being among children and families. The Centre serves as an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners, policy makers and educators with interests in advancing knowledge about children, families and the contexts within which they live. The Centre takes a research orientation to its work, with a practice and policy purpose to its output. The Centre was a partner in the original ERIC research and development work and a co-author of the original ERIC Compendium. The Centre continues to collaborate around and promote ERIC.
Childwatch International Research Network
While the Childwatch International Research Network has ceased many of its key functions it played a key role in providing the impetus for ERIC.