Ethical considerations when applying behavioural science in projects focused on children.
Tindall, K., Hayward, L., Hunt, E., & Hickler, B. (2021). Ethical considerations when applying behavioural science in projects focused on children. Innocenti Discussion Papers No.3, UNICEF: Florence. Abstract: Evidence increasingly shows applied behavioural science can positively impact childhood development and contribute to reducing inequalities. However, it is important for practitioners to reflect on the ethical […]
WYRED Final Independent Ethical Review.
Mannion, G. (2019). WYRED Final Independent Ethical Review. University of Salamanca: WYRED Consortium.
Ethical Considerations for Evidence Generation Involving Children on the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Berman, G. (2020). Ethical Considerations for Evidence Generation Involving Children on the COVID-19 Pandemic. Florence: UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti. Abstract: This discussion paper from UNICEF’s Office of Research, Innocenti, identifies key ethical considerations when undertaking evidence generation involving children during the mitigation stage of the pandemic (emergency phase), on subject matter relating to […]
The ethics of secondary data analysis: Learning from the experience of sharing qualitative data from young people and their families in an international study of childhood poverty.
Morrow, V., Boddy, J., & Lamb, R. (2014). The ethics of secondary data analysis: Learning from the experience of sharing qualitative data from young people and their families in an international study of childhood poverty. Southampton: National Centre for Research Methods.
Ethical considerations for research with children.
Berman, G.(2016). Ethical considerations for research with children. London: Global Kids Online, The London School of Economics and Political Science.
Children and the data cycle: Rights and ethics in a big data world.
Berman, G., & Albright, K. (2017). Children and the data cycle: Rights and ethics in a big data world. Innocenti Working Paper 2017/05 Florence: UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre.
Ethical considerations when using social media for evidence generation.
Berman, G., Powell, J., & Herranz, M. G. (2018). Ethical considerations when using social media for evidence generation. Innocenti Discussion Paper 2018-01. Florence: UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti.
Editorial: Forgotten no more: How policy guideline changes are bringing newborns, infants, and children to the forefront of drug discovery and testing.
Maron, J. L. (2017). Editorial: Forgotten no more: How policy guideline changes are bringing newborns, infants, and children to the forefront of drug discovery and testing. Clinical Therapeutics, 39(10), pp. 1918-1919.
Inclusion with protection: Obtaining informed consent when conducting research with adolescents.
Santelli, J., Haerizadeh, S., & McGovern, T. (2017). Inclusion with protection: Obtaining informed consent when conducting research with adolescents. Florence: UNICEF, Office of Research – Innocenti.
Involving children and young people in policy, practice and research.
McLaughlin, H. (Ed.) (2015). Involving children and young people in policy, practice and research. London: National Children’s Bureau.