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We are updating our book The Ethics of Research with Children and Young People: A Practical Handbook (2011 Sage will be 2020 Sage). We plan to show major changes since 2011. We also hope to include more international examples that show how ethical problems arise during research with children, and ways to resolve them. We welcome practical, specific examples of up to 200 words from researchers about ethical problems that arise in any of these ten areas: planning research; assessing harms and benefits; privacy and confidentiality; research design and methods; funding and payments; ethics review; informing participants; consent; disseminating and implementing findings; impact of research on children. Links to online resources about research ethics, law, policy and practice in your country are also very welcome.

Here is a blog I recently posted on LinkedIn pertaining to ethics that I thought might be of interest to researchers working with children: A small change with great implications: How a slight change in the wording of parental consent forms can promote the rights of the child. As a developmental researcher, I am interested in understanding the factors that best support healthy child development. And as a child rights advocate, I am always thoughtful in using methods and processes that support the rights of the child. While in this field of study we have the proper expertise and tools at our disposal to conduct developmental research that aligns with the principles outlined by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), researchers like me are too often challenged by institutional Ethics Boards that do not follow adequate guidelines for research involving children.

Hi I am researching on adoption practices in India, in this context adoptive children are one of my key respondents. My methodology is based on qualitative engagement through life narratives, I will be using Children's Apperception Test (Projective Technique) as it is more participatory with children taking a lead role in telling stories and as a researcher I would only be giving instructions and clarifications. Also, CAT will not introduce directly the theme of adoption which may trigger emotional disturbances in adoptive children. Kindly let me know if I there is anything particularly I must keep in mind from the ethical point of view. Reply awaited Thanks !

Hi I am looking to conduct research for my dissertation covertly observing children in spaces of play e.g. summer camp where I will work, along side other spaces such as parks, bowling alleys etc. I currently have two younger siblings who I will bring with me into these spaces to allow me to gain access without looking suspicious. I am worried about the ethical implications of my research, I hope to observe different behaviors of children noting down my findings in a fieldwork notebook. However, like I said I wish to observe covertly, and hence will not be gaining consent from children or their parents. I will not be using names, ages etc, merely note taking on things that I see in this natural environment. Any advice would be great, thanks.

Hi, I am involved in an intervention study investigating the effects of pedagogical practice in preschool. In order to investigate effects, a randomized controlled study is undertaken and we will be using a battery of tests focusing language, number sense, executive functions and som other areas. The project has received ethical approval. A number of ethical dilemmas are involved when undertaking this form of research. I would very much appreciate references och contact with other researchers involved in intervention studies involving young children and specifically interested in ethical matters. Kind regards, Sofia

I am conducting fire research in primary schools looking specifically at evacuation. This involves observing and recording on camera, fire drills which are conducted in the schools. The videos are then analysed to provide data on evacuation dynamics. I will have no active role in the evacuations as the teachers shall remain in control of each class throughout and they will conduct the drill in accordance with school procedures. As the research is non-evasive and defined as less than minimal psychological and physical risk I am proposing the passive consent method. This would be in accordance with school policy for the use of photographs taken at school events, etc. All gatekeepers are happy with my approach This has been questioned by my ethics committee who are looking for active consent. The big problem being that return rates for active consent in schools could be lower than 50% and will present a significant administration burden to the schools who have provided access by good will. All comments are welcome.

Hello, I am writing a research proposal titled, Relationship between recognition of unhealthy food brands, among children, and their BMI. I was wondering what are the main ethical concerns regarding this type of research? I am aware parental consent would have to be obtained. But mainly focusing on the ethical concerns of measuring a child's BMI; if the child is willing to participate and the results are anonymous Thank you