From Ginny Morrow and Priscilla Alderson – Research ethics handbook update

We are updating our book The Ethics of Research with Children and Young People: A Practical Handbook (2011 Sage will be 2020 Sage). We plan to show major changes since 2011. We also hope to include more international examples that show how ethical problems arise during research with children, and ways to resolve them. We […]

A small change with great implications

Here is a blog I recently posted on LinkedIn pertaining to ethics that I thought might be of interest to researchers working with children: A small change with great implications: How a slight change in the wording of parental consent forms can promote the rights of the child. As a developmental researcher, I am […]

Researching Adoption: Analysing Narratives of Children

Hi I am researching on adoption practices in India, in this context adoptive children are one of my key respondents. My methodology is based on qualitative engagement through life narratives, I will be using Children’s Apperception Test (Projective Technique) as it is more participatory with children taking a lead role in telling stories and as […]

Performativity of children in spaces of play

Hi I am looking to conduct research for my dissertation covertly observing children in spaces of play e.g. summer camp where I will work, along side other spaces such as parks, bowling alleys etc. I currently have two younger siblings who I will bring with me into these spaces to allow me to gain access […]

Behavioral testings and children

Hi, I am involved in an intervention study investigating the effects of pedagogical practice in preschool. In order to investigate effects, a randomized controlled study is undertaken and we will be using a battery of tests focusing language, number sense, executive functions and som other areas. The project has received ethical approval. A number of […]

Passive or Active Consent

I am conducting fire research in primary schools looking specifically at evacuation. This involves observing and recording on camera, fire drills which are conducted in the schools. The videos are then analysed to provide data on evacuation dynamics. I will have no active role in the evacuations as the teachers shall remain in control of […]

Ethical Concern of street children (Living without adult company)

I am pursuing PhD research from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai (India). My research topic is Prevalence and Predictors of Psychological Distress among Street Children in Mumbai. In this case, street children are staying without any adult supervision. If I want to study them, so whom should I ask for consent as street children […]

Research on children in the entertainment industry

Hi there, I’m a writer working on a piece about children in the entertainment industry. I’d love to have the input of an ethicist who has considered the ethics of young children working in Hollywood (or elsewhere). Any suggestions of people to talk to would be much appreciated. I can be contacted at Many […]