Positioning families as co-researchers at the museum: How do we see and hear the voices of parents and children? By Nicola Wallis

You can download this case study as a pdf here. Positioning young children as co-researchers seeks to elevate their voice, interests and power in research processes. However, there are added tensions when co- researching with babies and very young children, particularly in public spaces, where young children’s movement, interactions and experiences can be shaped by […]

Embracing the embarrassment: Potential of seemingly unsuccessful research interactions for critical professional development. By Katrin Velten & Julia Höke

You can download this case study as a pdf here. When children participate in research, particularly research conducted with or by children, a key goal is to authentically represent their viewpoints. Striving for authentic representation involves being critical and reflexive of power dynamics and adultism across content, methodology and ethics (Alderson & Morrow, 2020; Graham […]

The challenge of ongoing consent? By Michael Gaffney

You can download this ERIC case study as a pdf in English, français, español, 한국어, Türkçe and Bahasa Indonesia. When conducting ethnographic or field-based research that involves children with disability, the notion of informed consent requires the researcher to be very thoughtful about what it means to be fully informed across the full range of […]

Caregiver consent for child participation in research: Reaching and protecting the most vulnerable. By Lucie Cluver, Franziska Meinck & Mark Boyes

You can download this ERIC case study as a pdf in English, français, >español, 한국어, Türkçe and Bahasa Indonesia. The Young Carers Study is a national study, designed in collaboration with Universities, the South African government, UNICEF, Save the Children and the National Action Committee for Children affected by HIV and AIDS. The study interviews […]