Procedural ethics vs being ethical: A critical appraisal.

Shiraani, F., Shaheer, I., & Carr, N. (2022). Procedural ethics vs being ethical: A critical appraisal. In Okumus, F., Rasoolimanesh, S.M., & Jahani, S. (Eds.), Contemporary Research Methods in Hospitality and Tourism (pp.21-37). Emerald Publishing Limited: Bingley, UK. ISBN: 978-1-80117-547-0, eISBN: 978-1-80117-546-3. Abstract: Tourism researchers, like those in other fields, are subject to multiple ethical […]

The IRB as gatekeeper: Effects on research with children and youth.

Harger, B., & Quintela, M. (2017). The IRB as gatekeeper: Effects on research with children and youth. In Castro, I.E., Swauger, M., & Harger, B. (Eds.). Researching children and youth: Methodological issues, strategies, and innovations. (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 22) (pp. 11-33). Emerald Publishing Limited: Bingley, UK. ISBN: 978-1-78714-099-8; e-ISBN: 978-1-78714-098-1. Chapter […]

Is silencing children unethical? Gatekeeping, rights and ethics.

Harry Shier Note: This blog post is a personal reflection by the author. It does not reflect the views of the ERIC team, or of any research team or institution the author is or has been a part of. Despite recent progress in broadening our understanding of ethics in research with children (much of it […]

Ethical research with young children.

Loveridge, J. (2022). Ethical research with young children. In Oxford Bibliographies in Education. Faircloth, S. (Ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. Oxford Bibliographies is a series of specially curated, regularly updated syntheses of a wide range of academic topics. This article sits within the subject area, Education, and provides an overview of ethical research with […]