Reflecting on three creative approaches to informed consent with children under six.
Arnott, L., Martinez-Lejarreta, L., Wall, K., Blaisdell, C., & Palaiologou, I. (2020). Reflecting on three creative approaches to informed consent with children under six. British Educational Research Journal, 46(4), pp.786-810. Abstract: In an era when children’s rights are paramount, there are still few practical examples to guide us when seeking informed consent from children. This […]
Using the Narrative Approach to informed consent to empower young children and their educators
You can download this case study as a pdf here. Conducting research with young children is a complex process with many stakeholders and ethical considerations to navigate. One of the most enduring challenges we tend to encounter is how to engage young children in a meaningful way, and how to bring rights-based theory and children’s […]
Rereading assent in critical literacy research with young children.
Rogers, R., & Labadie, M. (2018). Rereading assent in critical literacy research with young children. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 18(3), pp. 396-427. In this paper, the authors report on their efforts to make the assent process an educative experience for children in a critical literacy Kindergarten classroom with the aim of improving the children’s […]
Does a comic style informed assent form improve comprehension for minors participating in clinical trials?
Ferrer-Albero, C., & Díez-Domingo, J. (2021). Does a comic style informed assent form improve comprehension for minors participating in clinical trials? Clinical Ethics, 16(1), pp. 37-45. The authors designed a comic strip with the aim of better informing children and young people about research participation in clinical trials. The study included an assessment of the […]
Novel approach to parental permission and child assent for research: improving comprehension.
O’Lonergan, T. A., & Forster-Harwood, J. E. (2011). Novel approach to parental permission and child assent for research: Improving comprehension. Pediatrics, 127(5), pp. 917-924. Please view the abstract for this article via the Publisher’s Link below.
A didactic approach to presenting verbal and visual information to children participating in research protocols: The comic book informed assent.
Massetti, T., Crocetta, T. B., Guarnieri, R., Silva, T. D. D., Leal, A. F., Voos, M. C., & Monteiro, C. B. D. M. (2018). A didactic approach to presenting verbal and visual information to children participating in research protocols: The comic book informed assent. Clinics, 73: e207. Abstract: OBJECTIVE: When children participate in research protocols, […]
Practical approaches to seeking assent from children.
Kumpunen, S., Shipway, L., Taylor, R.M., Aldiss, S., & Gibson, F. (2012). Practical approaches to seeking assent from children. Nurse Researcher, 19(2), pp. 23-27. Abstract: Aim: To describe and evaluate two approaches–a storyboard and a wordsearch–that the authors used with children aged four to 12 years to obtain assent. Background: The assent process is vital […]
Children’s knowledge of the terms of informed assent.
Lobato, L., Gazzinelli, A., Pedroso, L. S., Barbosa, R., Santos, F. M. M., & Gazzinelli, M. F. (2016). Children’s knowledge of the terms of informed assent. Revista Bioética, 24, pp. 542-556. Abstract: The objective of this study is to describe the knowledge of children and adolescents regarding the information disclosed by the terms of assent […]
Research information for minors: Suitable formats and readability. A systematic review.
Grootens‐Wiegers, P., de Vries, M. C., & van den Broek, J. M. (2015). Research information for minors: Suitable formats and readability. A systematic review. Journal of paediatrics and child health, 51(5), pp. 505-511. Please view the abstract for this article via the Publisher’s Link below.
Readability and visuals in medical research information forms for children and adolescents.
Grootens-Wiegers, P., De Vries, M. C., Vossen, T. E., & Van den Broek, J. M. (2015). Readability and visuals in medical research information forms for children and adolescents. Science Communication, 37(1), pp. 89-117. Please view the abstract for this article via the Publisher’s Link below.